This workshop is a chance to turn common elements of nature into impressive works of art. You will be weaving with tule rush which is a sedge that grows in lakes around southern B.C. I have gathered, dried and prepared the tule rush and will be teaching the participants to use plaiting and twining techniques to create a beautiful shoulder bag with the addition of wild cherry bark, kelp and a braided leather handle.
Date & Time: Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018 10am - 5pm
Location: Cheryl Massey's Whistler Studio 8605 Forest Ridge Dr., Whistler, B.C. V0N 1B8
Cost : $185.00 includes all materials and lunch
Registration: Call 604-938-3512 or e-mail
Payment in full is due upon registration. Visa, Master Card, AMEX and e-money transfers are accepted